HALNet Logo
SquirrelMail version 1.4.22
By the SquirrelMail Project Team
HALNet Login
E-MAIL ALERT: We have had reports of several phishing e-mails sent to our users which look like they may have been sent from HAL-PC. These e-mails are asking for a password and other personal information. Please ignore and delete any message asking for a password or other personal information. We will NEVER ask you to send us your password. We also do not ask you to send an e-mail with personal information such as a credit card number. We currently have no links for you to click on to provide us any information concerning your account. We contact various clients about the status of your account, mostly by telephone. A follow up e-mail may be sent if we are unable to reach you. However, we do not ask for your personal information to be included in a reply e-mail. If you do respond to a phishing e-mail by clicking on any links or replying to any e-mails soliciting personal information, you should take immediate steps to secure your system by
1. Running a virus scan on your computer
2. Running software such as Malwarebytes or Spybot Search & Destroy to detect if any malware has been loaded to your system
3. Contact us at 713.993.3300 to have your password changed
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. We can eliminate much of the excessive amount of spam messages sent to our mail server if everyone will follow these safety steps.
If you seem to be getting an unusual number of bounced messages to e-mail addresses you know you are not sending, it is a clear indication that someone using bot software has cracked your e-mail password. Bot software is software coming through the Internet to do automated tasks such as logging in to a website. The bot will try multiple passwords continually to see if it can guess your password. If this happens to you please follow the 3 safety steps indicated above.

Those using e-mail clients such as Outlook, Thunderbird or Live Mail, should be able to access your e-mail by updating the following e-mail settings:

Incoming port: 995 for POP3 server type

993 for IMAP server type

Incoming Server name: mail.hal-pc.org

Connection security: SSL

Authentication method: Normal password

Outgoing Port:

Outgoing Server name: mail.hal-pc.org

Connection security: STARTTLS

Authentication: Normal password